On Boarding- New Animal Researchers

Training Requirements:

Must have an active GU net ID to proceed with any training!
Note: PI’s may need complete the Sponsored University Associate (SUA) process to for personnel not employed by the university in order to obtain a GU net ID. See link above for details on this Georgetown process.

Please follow the steps below:

  • Sign up by emailing Carrie Silver and the DCM Office (ccs27@georgetown.edu & dcmoffice@georgetown.edu) and indicate what lab (PI name) and species you are working with. Email
  • Once you are enrolled in the canvas course you will receive an email with a link to log into the Canvas site.
  • Review the online Canvas training modules
    • DCM Orientation.
    • Animal ordering, cage card request, and census.
  • Pass the two quizzes (80% grade minimum for each quiz)
  • Fill out the DCM Contact Establishment and Training Acknowledgement Form.
  • You will not be listed in the Cayuse database until this occurs!

  • The required modules depend on what species and procedures you will be performing. (See the IACUC policy to determine which modules you are required to take.).
  • Go to www.aalaslearninglibrary.org to complete these modules;
    • Core Courses-Required for all researchers
      • Working with the IACUC
      • Common Compliance Issues
      • Laboratory Animal Allergy
      • Pain Management in Laboratory Animals
      • AVMA Guidelines for Euthanasia of Animals
      • NEW Compassion Fatigue
    • Species Specific modules (dependent on species you are working with)
      • Working with the Laboratory Rat
      • Working with the Laboratory Mouse
      • etc. (see IACUC policy for names of species specific modules)
    • Surgery modules- only required if you will complete surgery
      • LATG: Anesthesia and Analgesia
      • Aseptic Technique for Rodent Survival Surgery
      • Post-Procedure Care of Mice and Rats in Research
  • Please follow the instructions for signing in to the online modules: AALAS Account set-up Instructions.
    • Be sure that you register under Georgetown University (following the directions provided) rather than creating a free account. Under a free account you will not be able to access all required modules and the IACUC will not be able to confirm the completion of modules (you may have to retake them).
  • Once complete, you do not need to bring/email the certificates to anyone. Your completion will be saved in the system.

  • Complete and submit the Health History Survey.
  • Please contact Simona Strong (7-1734 or sd266@georgetown.edu) with any questions. Also note the medical clearance must be renewed annually.
  • You will receive an email from the Occupational Health Coordinator once approved.

  • The PI must submit an amendment in Cayuse to add you to the protocol. You cannot do this yourself.
  • You are NOT considered listed on the protocol until this amendment is approved.
  • You will receive an email from the IACUC Office (guacuc@georgetown.edu) once you have been approved.
  • You are responsible for reading the protocol and understanding all procedures.
  • You will not be approved on the protocol until steps 1-3 are completed!

Once you are have completed all of the required training and you have been approved on an IACUC protocol, follow the steps below to obtain access to the DCM

  1. Request access to the DCM by completing the DCM Facility Access Form.
  2. The DCM will then contact you about next steps and scheduling any additional training.
    • Rodent users are required to complete “Rodent Facility Training”, by completing this form you will automatically be enrolling in this course. DCM will follow up regarding scheduling
    • NHP users will need to complete additional training (NHP Safety Training)