Semi Annual Inspections
Georgetown IACUC Semi Annual Inspections
Animal Welfare Regulations Sec. 2.31 states that the IACUC shall (1) review, at least once every six months, the research facility’s program for humane care and use of animals and (2) inspect, at least once every six months, all of the research facility’s animal facilities, including animal study areas. The IACUC will then (3) prepare reports of its evaluations conducted as required and submit the reports to the Institutional Official of the research facility.
Public Health Service Policy on the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals Sec. IV.B. states that the IACUC shall (1) review, at least once every six months, the research facility’s program for humane care and use of animals using the Guide as a basis of evaluation and (2) inspect, at least once every six months, all of the research facility’s animal facilities (including satellite facilities) using the Guide as a basis of evaluation. The IACUC will then (3) prepare reports of its evaluations conducted as required and submit the reports to the Institutional Official of the research facility.
Tentative Inspection Weeks
The Geogetown IACUC inspections occur every 6 months typically at the end of Feb, early March and end of August, early September
Inspection Follow-up: The IACUC office will generate letters to be sent to the appropriate parties when minor or significant items were identified by the IACUC. These letters will detail the IACUC’s findings as well as provide a time frame by which the deficiency should be corrected. The responsible parties will be sent this notification via email. The IACUC office staff will conduct follow-up inspections of the areas in which deficiencies were identified to ensure appropriate corrections have been made. If deficiencies have not been corrected as required, the responsible individual(s) will be contacted to provide an updated correction plan.
What to expect during an inspection
The purpose of the semiannual inspections is to evaluate the animal care and use facilities and ensure compliance with federal (Animal Welfare Regulations, PHS Policy, the Guide) as well as institutional policies. The IACUC will visit animal housing facilities, as well as labs where animals are brought. Please refer to the following document for how to prepare for lab inspections.