Regulatory, Accreditation & Resources

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Georgetown University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) oversees the University’s animal programs, facilities and procedures ensuring the appropriate care, use, and humane treatments of animals being used for research, testing and education. The IACUC serves as a resource to faculty, investigators, technicians, students, staff, and administrators, providing guidance in fulfilling the obligation to plan and conduct all animal use procedures with the highest scientific, humane, and ethical principles.

Responsibilities of the IACUC:

The IACUC Office

The Institutional Official

The institutional official (IO) bears ultimate responsibility for the Program, although overall Program direction should be a shared responsibility among the IO, attending veterinarian (AV), and IACUC. The IO has the authority to allocate the resources needed to ensure alignment of Program goals with the institution’s mission. The Executive Vice President for Health Sciences serves as the IO for animal care and use at Georgetown University. The AV, IACUC Administrator, IACUC Chair, and IO maintain an open line of communication regarding all aspects of the animal care and use program.

The Attending Veterinarian

The AV is responsible for the health and well-being of all laboratory animals used at Georgetown University. The AV has authority, including access to all animals, and resources to manage the program of veterinary care and oversee other aspects of animal care and use (e.g., husbandry, housing) to ensure that the Program complies with the Guide. The AV also serves as consultant to research investigators in the veterinary aspects of protocol design. At Georgetown the AV also serves as the Director of the DCM.